Equipment Guide
Proper soccer equipment is a requirement for all players playing with our club. This is because proper soccer equipment provides players with the tools to play efficiently and safely. Proper soccer equipment is not just for games but for all sessions.
Equipment List:
1. Soccer Cleats: Soccer cleats are special shoes made exclusively for soccer with spikes on the bottom. Be careful to buy soccer cleats and not baseball or football cleats. See Image below.
2. Soccer Socks: Soccer socks are extremely long and cover shin-guards.
3. Shin Guards: Shin-guards protect player’s shins, a vulnerable part of a player’s body that often gets kicked. You should purchase one at a reasonable size and thickness. The shinguards should efficiently protect the player’s shins and fit securely in their soccer socks.
4. Soccer Ball: We provide balls at all sessions but sometimes when we have a very large group we may not have a ball for every player. U-4/6/8 players use a size 3 ball, U-10/12 players use a size 4 ball and all older players use a size 5 ball.
5. Water Bottle: It is important for every player to stay hydrated during games and practices.
All of these items can be purchased at most big box stores in the area.